Over The Rainbow:
When I'm 64:

Shakers Hymn:
Pachelbel Kanon:

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Accompaniments for Soloists by
The Phoenix String Quartet

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Accompaniments for soloists: return to wedding page:
Please call to discuss your needs with us in person, Sheet music parts need to be provided at least two weeks prior to the wedding, in the key they wish to perform.

The Phoenix String Quartet does accompany soloists, however a string quartet is not normally an accompaniment instrument and is very difficult for a singer to hear. It should not be attempted by a non professional soloist at a wedding, especially in an outdoor setting! We suggest vocalists provide an accompaniment tape or CD if no keyboard is available rather than use the string quartet. Not only does this simplify the soloists job, it places them in control of their performance, and enables them to rehearse independently.

Rehearsals: Rehearsals with soloists are usually scheduled for 30 minutes, prior to the quartets scheduled arriving time. It is best for the soloist if we rehearse on site rather than in studio and is less expensive. Payment for the rehearsal needs to be made with the payment for the wedding (two weeks prior to ceremony.)

Sample Time Schedule

Prior to ceremony: Quartet:
15 minutes begins performing
30 minutes setup, confirmations
60 minutes rehearsal (30 min. max)
1 Hr. 15 minutes quartet arrives

Charges: An additional hour is billed for the rehearsal. For example: a 2 hour wedding with a rehearsal would be billed as a 3 hour wedding. (payment schedule)

Custom arrangements:
Arrangements of tunes take time and energy. If the parts can easily be pulled from the piano part we would be happy read from your part. (We do not transpose on gigs, too risky!) If not, we can usually have arrangements made from your piano part for $200.00/song, however you may be able to obtain music for less as we farm these services out.
return to wedding page:

Wedding Rehearsals:
Normally the quartet does not come to rehearsals.  The ensemble is very experienced and the expense of a rehearsal is usually not warranted.  Cost for a rehearsal (4 people) is $500.00 minimum.  Time beyond the initial 2 hours is billed at $200.00/ hour.  ($50.00/ person)

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